
Get Connected To HOPE

2018 is turning out to be the year that was not. 2019 is looking like just another year before it even starts. Do you give up before you start or do you go through the year existentially?

Disappointments, loss, fear, sorrow, despair, limitations, endless searching, inertia and hopelessness are all a part of the ordinary life. The extraordinary life begins from hope.

Hope for what can be, hope in a power capable of creating order in a world of chaos, hope that the turbulent rivers and of our lives can be calmed, hope in the knowledge that rivers of joy can spring forth in our wilderness of despair, hope that He who cares for the sparrows cares more about our fortunes, hope in Him who can make all things beautiful in His time.

Connect with the source of hope, find strength to finish the year strong and start the new year stronger, do not miss a moment of the 2018 Deeper Life December Retreat which was brought up with only one purpose in mind, connecting you with HOPE.

There is a feast about to begin after this famine you just went through, come take your seat at the table of HOPE.

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